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One system several possibility


It’s the solution to fulfill the desire for slim lines, wide openings and the wood touch and feel! With 48mm view of aluminium for the frame and the central mullion, this is the slimest alu-wood solution in the market.

Our Usp's

Large Glass Surfaces

Large glass surfaces, with capacity up to 3.5m in height, totaling 9m². It is possible to move 500 kg of window with a simple touch.

Built-in Floor

Level floor solution with visible bearings with uniform weight distribution system.

Electromagnetic Lock

Possible integration of an electromagnetic lock for better security and control.

Integrated Lock

You can integrate a key lock, thus ensuring greater security and control.

Personalized Locks

A wide choice of possible finishings, including diamonds.

Multi-point Locking System

Option to lock with key on the wall. Invisible aluminium frame.


In addition to glass, marble, wood, fly screen or aluminum panels may also be an option.

Types Of Openings

Possibility of Monorail, Birail, trirail or unlimited. Corner opening and center opening.

Hyline's Integrated Floor System

The HYLINE System allows different types of finishings for the rims of pavement. It is possible to use the same finishing throughout the whole area where it is inserted.



Maximum Width3000mm
Maximum Height3000mm
Maximum Area
Maximum Weight500Kg per vent
Opening OptionsCustomized Corner Motorized
Maximum box for Glass28mm | 38mm | 44mm

Surface Treatment

